Career management

Career management

Is office politics central to a successful career?

Accountemps has published the results of a survey on office politics. It turns out that more than half of Canadians are involved in it in some way, and many think it is essential for getting ahead in their career…   Office politics play an important role in the workplace. At least this is the opinion […]

Career management

Changing jobs often: it pays off!

In a full-blown labour shortage, companies don’t hesitate to offer salaries that defy the competition to attract new employees. Changing jobs frequently is therefore an effective strategy to increase your personal income. Before you take the plunge, here are some tips. Job hopping, i.e., the frequent and deliberate changing of jobs, has had some success, […]

Career management

4 tips to follow if you return to work for a former employer

You left your job to try other experiences. After working abroad, resuming studies or changing your career, you decide to accept a position with your former employer. With your new skills in hand, your in-depth knowledge of the organization and your motivation pumped up, the future looks promising. But one question bothers you: did you […]

Career management

4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping

Professional job hopping is gaining momentum as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to play its part. And, with the scarcity of labour, many people are tempted to go and see if the grass really is greener elsewhere! 4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping   Job hopping is reserved for young people “Professional job hopping […]

Career management

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Burning Your Bridges

A survey conducted by the Robert Half firm revealed that the context of the pandemic has led nearly half of Canadians (47%) to call their career into question. Here are some avenues for reflection to analyze before making the leap. What do I want from my career? According to Jean-Claude Laurin, workplace and organizational psychologist, […]

Career management

5 Ways to Network Like a Pro

There is no longer any doubt about the many benefits of networking. How can you use it to stand out and, especially, to avoid missing opportunities? Here are five strategies to achieve this! Have a clear plan  It’s not enough to dress up! Before the meeting, make sure to review the goals. If possible, take […]

Career management

Do you have a career development plan?

In life, we often like to believe in our lucky star… From a professional point of view, establishing a career development plan can actually help the stars to align themselves. A career plan: a development tool that we’ve all heard about, but… who has one? However, according to Al Dea, career development specialist, those who […]

Career management

4 Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Position

Before accepting a position in a company that you don’t know, you should consider these 4 factors… beyond the salary offered! The conditions of the job offer When a job offer is received as a result of a hiring process, it must be consistent with your expectations and the conditions stated during the interview. If […]

Career management

Is a Temporary Position Right for You?

A temporary position is a job with a fixed term, generally created to replace employees on sick, maternity or paternity leave, or on a sabbatical, for a boost in production or a strong seasonal demand, or to carry out special projects. The temporary employee is engaged full-time or part-time for a limited period of time […]

Career management

Career : Is the community sector for me ?

The community sector is a particular world closer to the human element and far removed from corporate motives. An experienced member of this sector tells us about its advantages and characteristics.  When we asked Amélie Lafortune-Lauzon on the essential qualities of communal work, she answered without so much as a preamble. “You need to want […] network